You are called to the Emergency Room to aid in the care of a multiply injured trauma patient. The patient is a 24-year old black male who was involved in a high-speed motorcycle accident with a car. The second passenger on the motorcycle died at the scene. Upon primary survey, you find that your patient's c-spine is immobilized and strapped to a backboard. He has a bleeding de-gloving scalp laceration, multiple facial lacerations, a grossly distended abdomen, and an agonal breathing pattern. Attempts are being made to obtain intravenous access. At this time, he vomits and appears to aspirate. You proceed to attempt to secure the airway. Upon inspecting his face, however, it becomes clear that he has multiple facial fractures involving his mid-face.
How would you manage this injured patient?
How would you manage this injured patient?
The care of the multiply injured trauma patient can be challenging. As this patient exemplifies, multiple seemingly conflicting priorities are often present simultaneously. In fact, the initial care of the critically ill patient can be made relatively straightforward if one maintains poise and takes a structured approach to the evaluation and resuscitation of the multiply injured patient.
Before the arrival of the patient, a clearly defined team of physicians, nurses, and ancillary staff has to be assembled. Focusing on the provider factors, there are a number of factors that are important for the successful resuscitation of the trauma patient. A team leader has to be identified before the arrival of the patient. Each team member needs to know his/her role. Finally, the system or process of care has to be structured and detailed.
Upon arrival of the patient, the team leader should carefully listen to the report from the emergency medical technicians.
Salient details of the pre-hospital presentation and care aid in determining mechanism of injury and other information about the patient which would otherwise not be available. For example, as in this case, reported death of passengers at the scene suggests a severe mechanism of injury.
For the care to be effective, Advanced Trauma Life Support recommends a structured approach to the trauma patient. The primary survey consists of attention to the airway, breathing, and circulation of the patient. In addition, a quick survey of the patient's disability, or neurologic status, is important. To properly access the patient wholly, complete exposure of the patient is mandatory. The airway needs to be patent or a definitive airway needs to be obtained. For the patient who is awake and breathing spontaneously, no further airway management may be necessary. On the other hand, for patients who are compromised, intubation may be warranted. For the difficult airway, appropriate personnel and tools need to be assembled. For this particular patient with a mid-face injury, cricothyroidotomy may be necessary.
Once the airway is secured, attention can then be turned to circulation. Pressure should be applied to bleeding sites such as a de-gloving scalp wound. As fluid resuscitation is ongoing, an expeditious search for sources of bleeding should be made. A thorough physical examination is mandatory. Conditions such as tension pneumothorax should be diagnosed and treated without a Chest X-ray.
1. Advanced Trauma Life Support