
2006-11-16 00:00 来源:丁香园 作者:薇薇V 译
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事实:普遍认为紧身短内裤会升高睾丸的温度并影响精子的产生。然而并没有研究可以证明穿 宽松内裤的男性的精子数量多于穿紧身短内裤的男性。



14 November 2006
By Madeleine Bailey

IT was once seen as a women's issue. But that all changed in 2004, when the British Fertility Society revealed that men's sperm counts had declined by 29 per cent in the past decade.

A range of factors have been blamed - including drinking too much coffee and talking for too long on mobile phones.

But doctors generally agree that lifestyle factors - from smoking and drinking to a bad diet - can affect the health of sperm.

So if you and your partner are thinking "maybe baby", here's how to boost your prospects...

Buy him some nicotine patches

IT'S not just women who should quit smoking before getting pregnant. Research last year from the University of Buffalo found that the sperm of male smokers was less likely to bind to an egg - a vital step in the fertilisation process.

Also, smoking increases the risk of erectile dysfunction by about 50 per cent for men in their 30s and 40s, according to antismoking charity ASH. This is because it interferes with blood flow to the penis.

HELP YOUR MAN: There's no need for him to go through cold turkey misery. Get him to visit his GP for help, or call Quitline on 0800 002200.

Cut back on the fat

AN increase of 20lb in a man's weight could reduce his fertility by 10 per cent, according to recent research in medical journal Epidemiology. In obese men, extra layers of body fat may surround the testicles, raising their temperature, which may kill sperm or lower sperm production. Dr Jane Stewart of the Newcastle Fertility Centre warns: "Obesity may also upset the hormonal balance in men, encouraging production of 'female' hormones."

HELP YOUR MAN: Cook, grill or bake food instead of frying, go for lean meat and switch to lower-fat products.

Get your guy off the sofa

LACK of exercise, as well as smoking and drinking, is linked to high levels of lead in the blood.

A 2003 study, by the North- Shore Long Island Jewish Research Institute in the US, found that high lead levels may prevent sperm from fertilising an egg. None of the study's participants had jobs that involved lead.

However, there is also some evidence to suggest that exercising to exhaustion can temporarily lower sperm counts.

HELP YOUR MAN: Get him to do three sessions a week of intense exercise for 20 minutes, or five half-hour sessions of moderate exercise.

Discourage drugs

A US study found that the sperm of regular cannabis smokers moved too fast too early, so they suffered "burnout" and were less capable of fertilisation.

Many dope smokers have fathered children, but those with borderline fertility are most at risk.

"THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, may push them over the edge into infertility," says study leader Dr Lani Burkman.

Steroids used by body builders can also switch off sperm production - sometimes permanently!

Help your man: Tell him the drugs don't work - and mention that the muscly Arnie look is out.

Ban beer binges

A FEW drinks won't do any harm but overdoing it will. Besides the effect on performance, alcohol is a toxin, so regular binge-drinking will have an effect on sperm. If your man has borderline fertility, it could lower your chance of conception.

HELP YOUR MAN: The effect won't be permanent so encourage your man to avoid benders while you're trying to get pregnant.

Make him a daily coffee

BRAZILIAN researchers found that men who drank coffee every day had more "motile" sperm (it showed greater strength and endurance when swimming towards the egg) than non-coffee drinkers.

HELP YOUR MAN: Don't give him too much. Three cups a day could damage sperm and lead to failed pregnancies or birth defects says a study at Bradford University.

Stock up on fruit and veg

SPERM counts may drop temporarily in men with colds or flu. So boost your partner's immune system by encouraging him to eat fruit and veg, which are packed with antioxidants.

The super antioxidant of the moment is astaxanthin, derived from marine algae. In clinical trials in the Netherlands, men in couples who'd been trying to conceive for 20 months were given astaxanthin supplements for three months. Fifty-five per cent of those taking the supplement got their partners pregnant compared with 11 per cent who took a dummy pill.

HELP YOUR MAN: Buy him the supplement - a month's supply of Britaxan costs £9.95 from health stores, or call 01723 742345.

Call him on the landline

IN a US study, men who spent four hours a day chatting on their mobiles not only had 25 per cent lower sperm counts than blokes who never use a mobile, but also poorer quality sperm.

HELP YOUR MAN: Scientists say more research is needed but, until then, text him.

Clear space for his laptop

DESPITE its name, the best place for a laptop is on a table - away from your bloke's nether regions. Laptops can reach internal operating temperatures of more than 70¡C - a US study in 2004 found they raised temperatures in the scrotal area of volunteers by 1¡C in just 15 minutes.

HELP YOUR MAN: Don't make a fuss if he wants to work on the kitchen table.

Persuade him to take frequent driving breaks

SEVERAL studies have shown that women whose partners drive for a living take longer to conceive. One found that driving just for two hours could raise the testicles' temperature by around 2¡C, which may affect sperm production.

HELP YOUR MAN: On long journeys, suggest he takes 10-minute breaks every hour or share the driving if you can.

Suggest showers

REGULAR hot baths aren't a great idea for your partner if you're trying to conceive - like laptops, driving and excess fat, they raise the temperature of the testicles.

HELP YOUR MAN: Persuade him to have a shower instead.


IF you've been trying to conceive for a year with no success, see your GP who can refer you to a fertility expert for investigation.

VISIT the Infertility Network UK at www.infertility networkuk.com or call 08701 188 088.


1 MYTH: Infertility is rarely male-related
FACT: Around 30 per cent of fertility problems are solely related to men, with a further 20 per cent due to a combination of factors from both partners.

2 MYTH: Boxers are better than briefs
FACT: This is based on the heat theory - that briefs are tighter, increasing testicle temperature and affecting sperm production. However, no studies have yet proven that men who wear boxers have higher sperm counts than those who favour briefs.

3 MYTH: Age doesn't affect male fertility
FACT: The likes of Des O'Connor may be able to father a child at 72 but that doesn't mean male fertility doesn't decline with age. In tests on 100 healthy men aged 22 to 80, researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, found that by the time a man is 40, 60 per cent of his sperm is unhealthy or abnormal compared to 25 per cent of that of a 22-year-old.

4 MYTH: Infertile equals sterile
FACT: Couples are classed as infertile when they've had regular contraception-free sex for a year without getting pregnant. However, the word "sterile" is used when the cause can't be fixed. Fifteen to 20 per cent of healthy adults have fertility problems, but many of these can be treated.



编辑: 张靖

