
2014-10-21 14:08 来源:丁香园 作者:
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导语:慢阻肺作为一种慢性气道炎症性疾病,其发病机制尚未完全明了,吸入有害颗粒或气体可引起肺部炎症反应。了解疾病发病机制是做好慢阻肺防治的首要任务。丁香园非常荣幸邀请到上海瑞金医院感染病和呼吸病研究所名誉所长黄绍光教授和德克萨斯大学圣安东尼奥健康科学中心内科教授、GOLD指南科学委员会成员Antonio R. Anzueto教授一同谈谈慢阻肺发病机制,并由此选择合适治疗方案对慢阻肺进行早治早防。



DXY: The airflow limitation is the major symptom of COPD, Would you please talk about the pathogenesis of airflow limitation and the role of bronchodilators with these two factors above?





Prof. Anzueto: As you say, the airflow limitation is the primary symptom of COPD. The consequence of that used to be the changes in the airway, the air cannot exhale with each breath. So patients could develop hyperinflation.

Hyperinflation means that our airway muscles are not efficient to work. You were hyper inflated with the airway that is flat, is not contracting in a proper way. That’s going to produce dyspnea and give short of breath when we try to do any kind of exertion, and that’s going to limit all activities.

The pharmacal therapy is to try to relive bronchial constriction. We didn’t understand that during 1990s to early 2013 until we have long acting bronchodilators available. We started with long active beta2-agonists (LABA)first and then long active anti-cholinergics (LAMA) and once-a-day anti-cholinergics.

With tiotropium, we see that air restriction can be reversed and reduced, the hyperinflation can also be reduced, and this translate in increasing exercise capacity.







DXY: The mechanism of COPD is still unknown, but it is know that the autonomic nervous system disorders such as abnormal distribution of cholinergic nerve receptors has played an important role in the pathogenesis of COPD, what do you think about the role of the cholinergic pathways play in treating COPD?





Prof. Anzueto: Our bodies have different pathways to maintain the airway and prevent airway constriction, one of those I used to say is the cholinergic system.

The cholinergic system has multiple receptors, contributes to balance between bronchial constriction and bronchial dilatation. The initial anti-cholinergic medication that we have is atropine, lately ipratropium appeared but proved non-specific, so they were not very effective to produce bronchial dilatation. Late on, when tiotropium was developed, this is a specific that can against entry by receptor while it does produce sustaining bronchial dilatation.

So the anti-cholinergic medications will affect the acetylcholine system and in consequence produce sustaining bronchial dilatation. They become the principal therapy in the treatment of our patients with COPD.






DXY: We know both asthma and COPD are chronic airway inflammatory diseases, in your opinion, what’s the difference on the airway inflammatory symptoms and therapeutic options between asthma and COPD?





Prof. Anzueto: Asthma and COPD are two completely different diseases. Clearly, asthma is seen mainly in younger individuals who have very strong exposure to environmental conditions and history of allergen. So the person in 20s that developed this intermittent episode, we called it asthma. While the patients were in their 60s, 70s, who happened to smoke could developed COPD.

Because we have different diseases, our therapies cannot be the same. In asthma, especially younger patients, we know the inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) is efficient and the role of bronchodilator is not clear.

In the other hand, for COPD the bronchodilators had sustaining bronchial dilatation, once-a-day bronchodilators and cholinergic system bronchodilators had maximum effect. This is the difference in the treatment.

GOLD Committee recommends ICS used in COPD in patients are very sick and those have frequent exacerbations, but this is going to be very small number of patients. It has been shown that those patients will decrease the frequency of exacerbation. And this indicates that how to use ICS.

Nowwe are learning more about how long we need to do with ICS, whether we can stop using ICS and if it is safe to stop ICS. Because ICS had side effects that we would like to minimize with our patients.








DXY: In the past days, many non-specialist clinicians prescribed ICS to treat COPD improperly, how do you think about this problem? How to use ICS properly?



Prof. Anzueto: Maybe it’s easier to use ICS and LABA on everybody, unfortunately that is not right. Because ICS is not a good bronchodilator, they don’t have sustaining bronchial dilatation and there are side effects.

So we have to take the therapy to what patients need. In patients who have COPD moderate disease, long active bronchodilators can significantly improve lung function,and there is no need to use ICS until late in life.





DXY: In China, the early diagnosis of COPD has always been a clinical difficulty. And the decision to seek medical help is usually determined by impact of dyspnea and exacerbation, could you share some experience on improving the diagnosis situation and lead patients to early therapy?







Prof. Anzueto: The assumption was that smokers will develop COPD. Today we know that is not the case. Not every smoker develops COPD, maybe 15%~20% develop lung fibrosis,which is a completely different disease. That needs to be diagnosed.

Also we know now the correlation between how many packs an individual smokes a day and the severity to disease, people can smoke a little bit and have very severe disease, while some smoke a lot but have mild disease. So this urges that we need to diagnose COPD early. The diagnosis is the combination of clinical characteristics as well as the spirometry to confirm COPD.

Patients don’t realize the cough and the shortness to breath they are having is not normal. Many patients’ first diagnoses of COPD was in autumn or winter when they get respiratory problem, then go to the hospital with bronchitis, pneumonia, and as a consequence of that, get the diagnosis of COPD.

We really need to emphasis to educate patients as health care provider, we need to look for COPD and to make diagnoses.







DXY: We know that spirometry is required to make the diagnosis. The use of the fixed FEV1/FVC ratio to define airflow limitation will result in more moderate COPD patients. For moderate/ Group B patients, what factors should be evaluated to select therapeutic option? What’s the first choice?






Prof. Anzueto: There are a couple of issues in this question.

To diagnose hypertension you have to make sure the blood pressure, to diagnose diabetes, you have to make sure the sugar and Hb1C. To diagnose COPD is no different, you cannot diagnose only in patients’ history, you need to have spirometry.

Spirometry is needed to identify the patients as soon as possible in the disease for two reasons. We understand now the moderate patients with 60%~70%, they are impaired in the exercise capacity, they are already having significant symptoms. If they are treated, you can decrease the slope with decline in lung function, you actually can sustain them for longer period.

The second point is the patients who have moderate COPD lose more lung function, so they are 70% now, in two years it’s going to be 60%, in five years it’s going to be 50%, if it goes further down it cannot reverse. So the sooner use therapy intervention from smoking cessation to pharmacal therapy, the better for the patients.

As for Group B, long acting bronchodilators such as LABA or LAMA should be the first line of therapy. Because they could improve the symptoms, decrease the bronchial restriction, and increase the work of respiratory muscles by decreasing the hyperinflation, so this is the ideal patient population.






编辑: 韩丹

