
2014-10-21 13:56 来源:丁香园 作者:
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导语:慢阻肺评估包括对患者临床症状、急性加重风险、肺功能异常严重程度和并发症情况进行综合评估。其目的在于根据这些综合评估结果选择相应合适的治疗方案。今天丁香园非常荣幸邀请到卫生部中日友好医院呼吸科主任林江涛教授和德克萨斯大学圣安东尼奥健康科学中心内科教授、GOLD指南科学委员会成员Antonio R. Anzueto教授一起分享对慢阻肺评估的临床经验和慢阻肺治疗方案的选择。



DXY: The latest GOLD report comprehensively renewed the evaluation of assessment and therapy of COPD, would you please share your views about how to evaluate COPD risks and provide proper therapy?



第二个方面是疾病在病理生理方面的改变,主要看气流受限程度的指标,即第一秒用力呼气量占用力肺活量的百分比(FEV1/FVC)。这个比值越低,说明气道阻塞的越严重。如果FEV1/FVC>80%,为轻度;FEV1/FVC在80%-50%为中度;FEV1/FVC在 50%-30%为重度;FEV1/FVC<30%为极重度;比例越低越危险。




Prof. Anzueto: The GOLD committee was clear that we need to change the way we ever looked COPD. In the past we limited it to lung function, now we cooperate with patients’ symptoms as say in mMRC or CAT and risk of exacerbations. So we put these together, making the combination of evaluating risk factors for the future adverse like the exacerbations and symptoms in interaction with lung function.

We have the A, B, C, D groups, Group B is probably one of the most important groups. Because these patients are more symptomatic with preserved lung function but most of them don’t know they have COPD.

In all these groups, the main therapy is bronchodilators, and the data we collect on long acting anti cholinergic, like tiotropium, have been shown that is effective in moderate disease in group B, as well in more severe disease like group C and D in combination with other medications.






DXY: In recent years, the increasing morbidity and mortality of COPD attracts more academic attention. Could you please introduce some landmark trials of COPD these years? How about the evidence-based clinical trial results on tiotropium?





Prof. Anzueto: We have tremendous progress in the understanding of COPD. Specifically we looked into the case of long acting anti cholinergic like tiotropium, we have over 35 million patients years of experience to the medication, and we have landmark trials like UPLIFT, 4-year-study in lung function effect, and we have studies comparing LABA and LAMA in the effect of exacerbations like POET, and we have study in patients’ management and assessment like TIOSPIR with over 17000 patients with moderate of severe COPD willing to participate.

These tremendous experiments have shown the development of clinical trials and in the understanding of how the medications work.

Tiotropium was approved in the some countries around 11-12 years ago and we have nearly 200 clinical trials to evaluate the different aspects how the medication impacts COPD and the studies also have shown that the medication is associated with significant improvement in lung function, significant improvement in exercise capacity and quality of life, and at the same time have reduction in exacerbations, hospitalizations and someday we suggest in mortality.

Anzueto教授:我们对慢阻肺的认识有了极大提高,其中,对抗胆碱能药物对慢阻肺治疗也有深入研究。噻托溴铵是一种抗胆碱能药物,这些年来,我们招募了超过三千五百万患者参加使用噻托溴铵治疗慢阻肺的临床研究:UPLIFT试验观察噻托溴铵在4年随访时间里对肺功能的改善情况;POET-COPD研究比较了长效β2受体激动剂(LABA)和长效抗胆碱能药物(LAMA)在预防急性加重上的表现;超过17, 000名中度或重度慢阻肺患者参加的TIOSPIR试验,则评价了长效抗胆碱能药物在疾病管理和评估上的作用。





DXY: GOLD report recommends Group C、D patients use LAMA or ICS+LABA, how do you think about the safety and efficacy of these therapies?





Prof. Anzueto: The COPD patients who are very sick, we know that adding the combination of the three medications the LAMA, LABA and ICS, there is reduction in exacerbation and improvement in lung function. So this medication has been shown to be very effective in reduction of exacerbation in the group D patients.

With ICS, we know some of the side effects potentially on bone, like osteoporosis, and maybe increase the risk of developing phneumonia. So the clinicians and the patients must be aware that the medication has benefits because it can reduce exacerbations but at the same time with ICS, patients have risk of having phneumonia.





DXY: The WISDOM trial reports, in patients with severe COPD receiving tiotropium and salmeterol, the risk of moderate or severe exacerbations was similar among those who discontinued inhaled glucocorticoids and those who continued. What kind of inspiration do you think the WISDOM trial would on the ICS treatment of COPD?

Prof. Anzueto: The focus on treatment of COPD has been an escalating therapy, an adding therapy. We started with anti cholinergics like tiotropium, if the patients’ sympoms don’t improve, we add LABA, and in patients of category D and exacerbations we add ICS, so our approach is to add on medications.

Now the WISDOM trial asks us: can we withdraw corticosteroids? Would it be safe to withdraw corticosteroids in patients with severe and very severe COPD that they are stable and have a history of exacerbation if we could reduce dose of ICS? If that’s the case, are we increasing the risk of having the patients in exacerbations?

The WISDOM trial has shown that we could effectively withdraw ICS with stepdown withdrawal from 500μg to 250μg to 100μg to nothing and have shown that in a year there is no difference in exacerbation. So if we withdraw ICS in this way in these patients, we would not increase the risk of exacerbations.



WISDOM研究结果告诉我们,激素剂量在按500μg/d、 250μg/d、100μg/d逐步减量到完全停用后,患者在一年内发生急性加重的风险与持续使用激素的患者相比没有差异。由此我们知道,逐步减量至停用激素,不会增加急性加重风险。



DXY: For patients whose symptoms are under control, how to withdraw ICS properly? What kind of medication should be continued after the withdrawal?

Prof. Anzueto: I think we should emphasize in the WISDOM trial, for whoever withdraws ICS, these patients were treated with tiotropium and salmeterol. So they would receive both LABA and LAMA with separate device. And that’s what makes safety and not increasing the risk of exacerbation. The withdrawal is in the setting of having patients staying in long acting bronchodilators, what this demonstrates is that the efficacy in long acting bronchodilators in the reduction of exacerbations is pretty big and is the mainstream therapy and the main intervention that is changing COPD.



编辑: 韩丹

