
2006-12-22 00:00 来源:丁香园 作者:zhengxd 译
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加州大学圣地亚哥分校的研究者们发现OSA导致的白天嗜睡和较差的心脏血流动力学的表现是密切相关的。该研究得主要负责人,Joel Dimsdale医学博士告诉Medscape说:“我们的研究表明心排出量和白天嗜睡的关系是非常强的,超过了其他所有变量。”









Dimsdale博士注意到在没有确诊心脏病之前, OSA患者并没有常规进行心功能检查。他说,一方面来说,这可能是因为很多临床医生错误的认为心功能评定需要侵入性技术。但心阻抗图已被证实是一个可信赖的代替心导管术的方法,提供了一个非侵入性方法来筛选这样的病人。

Dimsdale博士提到,基于这个研究结果,病人抱怨的白天嗜睡现象不应该被轻视。他说,“我们的结果提示类似的抱怨应该被注意而且不仅仅只给一些关于睡眠卫生学或者安眠药等忠告。在确立的完整的临床建议建之前,仍然需要一些实验以确定这些结果是否可以被重复。这将是很有价值的,可以发现阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停的标准疗法-持续性正压通气-是否可以改善心功能。 ”


Daytime Sleepiness Caused by OSA Strongly Linked to Impaired Cardiac Function

Caroline Cassels

December 19, 2006 — Daytime sleepiness caused by obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is independently associated with decreased cardiac function, a new study published in the December issue of Sleep suggests.

Researchers at the University of California, San Diego found a robust link between OSA-related daytime sleepiness and compromised cardiac hemodynamic performance.

"Our results suggest the relationship between cardiac output and [daytime] sleepiness is very strong, surpassing that of any other variable," the study's principal investigator, Joel Dimsdale, MD, told Medscape.

While the relationship between OSA and increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality is well-known, this is the first study to examine the association between daytime sleepiness and cardiac hemodynamic performance in patients without established cardiovascular disease.

Common Condition

OSA, said Dr. Dimsdale, is an extremely common condition. Its subsequent fatigue places individuals at increased risk for industrial as well as automobile accidents and suboptimal work performance. But this study suggests there are also cardiovascular consequences.

The observational study included 86 patients — 68 men and 18 women — with an average age of 47 years. All were suspected of having OSA and underwent confirmatory diagnostic polysomnography.

Noninvasive stroke volume and cardiac output were measured using impedance cardiography and corrected for body surface area to yield both stroke and cardiac indexes. Daytime sleepiness was quantified using the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS), with a higher score suggesting more daytime sleepiness.

According to Dr. Dimsdale, the study showed that the higher the ESS score, the lower the stroke and cardiac indexes.

"These patients did not have known cardiac disease. However, when we measured their cardiac output we found those with greater daytime sleepiness scores had a more adverse hemodynamic profile than those with sleep apnea who were less affected by daytime sleepiness," he said.

Sleep Complaints Not Benign

Even after age, sex, ethnicity, respiratory disturbance index, and mean sleep oxygen saturation were controlled for, the relationship of the ESS score with both compromised stroke index and cardiac output persisted and was significant, he added.

Dr. Dimsdale noted that in the absence of established cardiac disease, cardiac function is not routinely measured in OSA patients. In part, he said, this may be due to the fact that many clinicians mistakenly believe that assessments of cardiac function require invasive techniques.

However, impedance cardiography, which has been shown to be a reliable alternative to cardiac catheterization, offers a noninvasive method of screening such patients.

Dr. Dimsdale said that, based on the study's results, patients' complaints of daytime sleepiness should not be taken lightly.

"Our results suggest such complaints need to be considered carefully and not merely relegated to advice to use sleep hygiene or sleeping pills. Rather, sleep should be formally assessed and the question of whether the heart is performing appropriately should also be determined," he said.

However, he added, before firm clinical recommendations can be made, other studies are required to determine whether these results can be replicated.

It would also be worthwhile, he said, to find out whether continuous positive airway pressure, the standard treatment for OSA, improves cardiac function.



编辑: 张靖

